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Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

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The issue of global warming we hear the familiar, even boring the ears to hear and eyes to see the blur of impressions-impressions of the story. Effect of global warming we can feel, one season of transition and uncertain weather. Education is a common thing, which is always closely related to any field, including in terms of environmental awareness. Can be seen that the most serious environmental challenges that humanity will face in the front face of the earth to global warming and climate change. Too extreme global warming from burning fossil fuels, especially coal, petroleum, and natural gas are excessive, coupled with the environmental damage that causes a reduction in carbon emissions from forest absorption. With the growing importance of self-awareness on the environment will, in the form of utilization and development.Environmental awareness. Is a necessary condition for effective development environment. Means the absence of awareness about the environment for humans it is certainly beneficial to the development environment will not be achieved "Requirements for support of the achievement of these goals is the education .. education will teach you how to cultivate and empower human nature. Allah SWT says:" So they have back into their consciousness, and then said: Verily ye are the people who persecute (myself), "(Al-Anbiya '(21): 64).Viewed from the perspective of social, environmental damage directly or indirectly contribute to the environmental causes of instability, there are some things that the main cause;First, the problem of poverty is closely linked with economic problems, making it less able to meet their needs allow, poverty makes people tend to push to take a shortcut to escape from these demands. One way to use the environment to meet the needs, so the environment becomes polluted and is no longer beautiful.
Second, the backwardness, the meaning behind the field of advanced science and technology (excellence in education). The three elements of a society or a perpetrator can be called or mental disability; with low education, lack of information, and unable to think abstractly as well. Three characters hold an unfavorable attitude of both society and the environment.
Third, population density, which is now the world's population is more than about 6 billion people, which resulted in habitat changes in the environment affect the physical, biological and socio-cultural.
Fourth, technological developments, which in a real social life, poilitic, economics, culture, education, and science is to show how the field of advancing to achieve more efficient and effective. Technology can bring to welfare, but also can lead to disaster. Although the benefits for humans, it also causes more damage occurs, such as the birth of waste by factories, until the air is polluted, especially in the Pacific Islands, because of the proliferation of unconventional Mine (IT), many forests into barren and the impact on the environment. The source of this disease is easy to grow and evolve, it can be proved by the increasing levels of dengue fever which led to the death rate increased in every year.In the Qur'an has warned in a letter of Al-A'raaf verse 56 "And do not make mischief on earth after (God) to fix it, and pray to him with fear (not to be received) and expectations (be granted) Verily Allah's mercy is very close to people who do good. "Environmental ProtectionEnvironment Act article 3, the preservation of the environment means the attainment of skills and capacity to increase harmonious and balanced. In preservation, has two emphasis: 1) Conservation in the form of better environmental quality, with stability and without compromising the needs of others. 2) Protecting the environment in the form of improving his form initially, by removing and keeping the environment pollution.Above also explained that "pollution is the introduction or the introduction of life, matter, energy, and change the sequence of the human or natural processes, so that environmental quality is less or no longer able to function as intended" Just as the word of God contained in the letter Al-Baqarah verse 220: ". God knows who is making the destruction of the improvements and if God wills, He can bring your problems to God Almighty and wise"This will be captured if he would try to emphasize the benefits in terms of the natural environment. four resources can be managed so that can be enjoyed by human, human being (as social human beings), biological resources, natural resources and artificial non-biological resources. Thus, human and natural resources are to be developed, so the phenomenon and the problem can be overcome by wise and courteous, without haste and careless. In addition, the quality of education is very well organized and ensure sustainable use .

Intelligent Education for Children

Still remember the novel, Laskar Pelangi? written best-selling novel by Andrea Hirata. a story that is quite novel draws our attention at this time ... not just a story, but also brought a lot of messages ... Especially when it is taken in the big screen, directed by Riri Riza, and got the attention of quite a lot of young people.One is education in Indonesia. A simple portrait of a school, away from the glitz and Carving a prestigious achievement, but education is reflected not only science, but rather a behavior and ethics, so grow a creativity that is not because of the facility.Today most parents dream of the human investment in education for the future of their children. Let be a businessman, doctor, or all of the socially prominent and had a financial dignity.There are more fundamental in the offer in this rainbow, ie Budi character.This country may have forgotten, or was struck by the methods of education outside (west), so that education has not glanced at the path before us, as Ki Hajar Dewantara, Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan. In their work formed the Student Park, Muhammadiyah. He-he has tried to pioneer education that will teach the eastern culture, such us manners, ethics, good manners in young people of this country.Nowadays we often encounter students who are good, but have no manners and ethics, or even in good manners do not know.Although this is not the only task of the school, to provide supplies for our children, but also the role of families is needed in this case. Although current number of families that instill character education has begun to "no time", so that all delegates to the school. While schools are also in demand not only educate and educate the children of the nation, but also to make the school as a favorite school, which is expected to support the sustainability and well-being of the School.If we glance at a little education in Japan, where education is not only able to apply and develop science, but also remain in the given character education and knowledge of their culture. So that they still love their home and also understand the culture of their ancestors.Education is not only intellectual but also emphasizes intelligence Intelligence Moral, Spiritual and Emotional.Sometimes our parents or the intent make intelligence is the ability of children in math, memorize, imitate, good at making analysis demonstrated achievement in school. Although this understanding is not wrong, but also incomplete. Smart is the child's ability to properly organize aspects of Intellectual, Emotional, Moral and Spiritual.Intellectual intelligence, a person's ability effectively to perform mathematical calculations, analyzing, remembering, and arguing. So in general, the child will be able to find and develop good science.Emotional intelligence, a person's ability to manage and take advantage of feeling good. Such as understanding others, independence, cooperation, self-adjusting and positive thinking. Surely this is also influenced by a healthy personality.Moral Intelligence, the ability of someone who is sensitive and capable of determining good and bad. Such as honesty, willingness to help, solidarity, care, simplicity and fairness.Spiritual intelligence, a person's ability to be able to develop Goodness values, such as: love, truth, obedience, service, dedication and sacrifice. So Spiritual intelligence is not just obedience in carrying out the religious laws, but also values ​​and attitudes in a sincere and noble religion.So education for children of this nation, not only because of the school alone, but the role of parents, families, communities and countries. How smart are we going to Arm the generations to come, will also determine the fate of the family, and also the state.Your child is not your child, they are the children who miss life itself. Although they come through you, and though they are with you, they do not belong to you.You may give love, but you do not mind, because they have a mind of its own.Their bodies may exist in your home, but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of the future, you can not visit, not even in your dreams.You should try to be like them, but do not make them like you.You are the bows from your children, was fired as living arrows.Relax yourself in the hands of the archer curve for joy.Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Free Education

The dream of the coming of free education that has been eagerly awaited since the time of independence of the Republic of Indonesia has emerged with the arrival of the phenomenon as free education for primary school and Junior High School. The phenomenon of free education is indeed very long-awaited, articles in the Government issued  (Operational Costs) to cover the prices of books that were increasingly inflated, it's donations, teacher salaries are not sufficient and other charges.Pros Cons of Free Education Judging from its development, this phenomenon can not be separated from the pros and cons. For a pro with these programs say that it is the government's efforts to improve the quality of education and the reduction of school dropouts, free schooling for parents to reduce the burden of his mind to the issue of education expenses and no more children should not take the exam only because they have not paid school fees. While the counter said the government like saviors, This is because there has been more used to doing this, the NGOs concerned with education and incapable of handling the public. There is less sense to go to school, much less awareness of education, children are more concerned with the work of the school should not release anything. The cost of free education only up to secondary school while the Senior Secondary School no. While the Senior High School graduate who is a lance over primary and established age to find employment as well as the country foreign exchange earner.School to be qualified because it is supported by learners who have a passion to learn. They will learn that there is a challenge, one of which cost challenges. The younger generation does not have nurtured for a free all-mental. Should be free of mental washing away. Hard working, humble, tolerant, able to adapt, and piety, that is what must be grown for the young generation is able to compete in the international world, able to take part in the world arena, not only to the fans, the nation's voracious consumption of products. The most difficult is that the government create the conditions so that every parent gets enough income to afford their children's education.Not only students but teachers who are affected by the free education. Most of the free school teachers have developed a self-limited and will eventually cause trouble motivating learners to think about "survival". Worse if the teacher thinking: service to the students for fees only. If such situation, it is "far from the truth" to raise the quality of education.Schools, especially small private school, will be difficult to cover operational costs, let alone the welfare of teachers. Financing such as electricity, water, building maintenance, computers, stationery, transport, food allowance, and other expenses to be paid. Even more difficult to find a donor. Schools still survive just based on the spirit of service managers. Without the contribution of the learner, how the financing will close it.Education Quality vs. Free Education the implementation of free education does not mean loss of quality of education, decreased interest in learning the students, and decreased levels of  teachers ability in teaching and learning activities in education. For it is not just students who commuted in terms of cost, but now the teachers also will be relieved by government policy would increase the welfare of teachers. In 2009 the government has decided to comply with the provisions of article 31 of the 1945 budget allocation for education by 20%. So will the availability of the budget to raise the incomes of teachers, especially teachers civil servants (PNS) are not low-ranking families with 0-year period of employment, income of at least Rp. 2 million.BOS funds received from the school shall use these funds to finance all the activities in the admission of new students, the contribution of education funding , the purchase of textbooks, the cost of daily tests and exams, as well as operational maintenance costs.While cost is not a priority for the school and have a great cost, such as: study tours (field trips), comparative studies, purchase of uniforms for students and teachers for personal gain (rather than an inventory of school), as well as the purchase of materials or equipment that do not support school activities, all BOS costs are not covered. And collection costs will also depend on the policies of each school, and of course the government will continue to oversee and ensure that these costs do not burden the students and parents. What if an obstacle occurs or when there are schools that are still shortcomings in the fulfillment of its operational costs? Local governments are obliged to meet the shortcomings of existing budget funds. In order for the teaching-learning process was still possible without the lack of funds.Looking at the above conditions, it is the government's efforts to make  people prosperous in terms of economics and education, but it would be nice not to impose a free school but expensive schools, and scholarship programs. Why schools should be cheap. Among them: low-cost schools are everyone's expectations, not only the students and parents, but teachers as well as assurances from the government welfare. Cheaper in many ways the school can be fun, without the burden of a dependent child's school fees are expensive, parents send their children to be quiet and fundraising affairs to meet family needs more concentrate to the needs of clothing, food, shelter and health. The child can still perform educational activities, because no longer be a burden for parents.And is not one of the pleasant atmosphere of the most important factor in the teaching-learning process? How students learn best when its concentration should be divided think of school funds that have not paid off his parents. Or outside of school time must be shared to help parents find additional revenue. Is not the case the students who committed suicide because of school fees has not become a choking warning?The existence of cheap school educational activities fund most or entirely borne by the government, to foster public confidence in the role and existence of government. Government policies will soon be heard and obeyed the community while actually feel the government is on their side and try to welfare community. Instead, the government will have a strong political bargaining. One of the prerequisites of a strong and sovereign government is having to get love from people. ***