Imam Ibn Qayyim said, "There is no limit of love is more apparent than the word love itself; memba over it would only add to its meaning vague and dry. Then ba-boundary and explanations that love can not be clearly depicted nature, except with the word love itself. Most people just gave her an explanation in terms of the causes, consequences, signs, amplifier-amplifier and the fruit of love and its laws. Then the limit and love the picture they provide spins on six of the above, although each differs in the definition, depending on the knowledge, position, state, and his mastery of this problem. (Madarijus-Salikin 3/11) Some Definitions Love: The tendency of the whole heart constantly (the beloved). Willingness to receive all the desires of people he loves. Tendency to prefer the heart rather than her own self and property, in agreement with both the hidden-sebunyi or overtly, then feel that love is still lacking. Mengembaranya heart because to find a loved one while verbally always mentioned his name. Busied himself for a loved reminiscing and humiliating to him. The division of Love Worship is the passion of love that causes feelings of contempt and praise Him and, hotly passionate heart to run all the commands and stay away from all larangaNya. Such love is the subject of faith and unity that the culprit will get virtues infinite. If this is all given to other than Allah then he lapsed into a meaningful love shirk, ie associating partners with God in love. Love for God as loving something that is loved by God, either in the form of certain places, certain times, certain people, charitable deeds, words and the semisalnya. Such love, including love in order to love God. Love is in accordance with tabi'at (human), which belong to the loved ones of this type are: Affection, such as parental affection to their children, and unfortunately the poor people, poor or sick people. Reluctant meaningful love and respect, but not included in the type of worship, such as love of a child to his parents, student to teacher or Shaykh, and the semisalnya. Love (fun) human to everyday needs that would harm himself if not met, such as the pleasures of food, drink, marriage, clothing, brotherhood and friendship and the semisalnya. Love love love so included in the category of human that is allowed. If his love was helping him to love and obey God so love the included obedience to God, and vice versa. The primacy of God's Love Is a Core Principles And Tawheed Said Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Nasir Al-Sa'dy, "Principles of monotheism and the core-juice is sincere and love to God alone. And that is the subject of the lawyer's gods and worship and even the very essence of worship will not be perfect unity with the perfect man but the love of his Lord and hand over all the elements of love in him that he arbitrate only to God by making love of the servant to follow her love of a servant of God who will find happiness and peace. (Al-Qaulus Sadid, p 110) Is a great need for more than eating, drinking, marriage and so forth. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya said: "In the human heart there is love of something that he worshiped, and he ibadahi, this is a milestone for the upright and unsound one's heart and their soul's good. As well they also have a love for what he ate, drank, married and others are with all of this into a good life and the human need to penuhanan lengkap.Dan greater than the need to eat, because if people do not eat then it will only physical damage, but if not mentuhankan something it will damage the soul / spirit. (Jami 'Al-Ibn Taymiyya Rasail 2/230) Leisure When Disaster Affected Ibn Qayyim said, "The truth is the person who loves something will get a delicious love it when he could make love to forget the disaster that has befallen him. He did not feel that it was a disaster, although most people feel it as a calamity. Menguatlah love it even more so that he grew to enjoy and take in disaster inflicted by the One he loves. (Madarijus-Salikin 3/38). Blocking of immoral deeds. Ibn Qayyim said (when explaining about the love of God): "That he is the most powerful reasons to be patient so as not menyelisihi and immoral to him. For surely someone would have to obey what he loved, and each time increasing the power of love is stronger then it's consequential to obey him, not me nyelisihi and immoral to him. Menyelisihi commandments of God and Him only immoral stems from a weak heart his love for Allah.Dan there a difference between people who do not engage in immoral, for fear of his master who is not immoral because of love. Up on his words, "A man who is sincere in his love, he will feel controlled by his beloved who always accompany liver and raganya.Dan between a genuine sign of love is that he feels constant presence of her lover who supervised his work. (Thariqul Hijratain, p 449-450) To love God Will Eliminate misgivings. Ibn Qayyim said, "Between love and feelings of anxiety are the difference and conflict as a major difference between the mind and neglect, the love which pierced through the heart will eliminate doubts about his beloved. And people who genuinely love him will be free from feelings of anxiety because of his heart distracted by the presence of the One who loved them. And does not arise unless the misgivings of those who are negligent and turned away from the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala wa Subhannahu, and it is impossible to unite the love of God with an attitude of anxiety. (Madarijus-Salikin 3/38) Peak of Perfection is a delicious and Fun. Ibn Qayyim said, "The Lord loves Subhannahu wa Ta'ala then the situation is not the same as the state loves him but because there is no other than the heart of the most beloved Creator and Pengaturnya; sesembahannya He is worshiped, saints, his Lord, Pengaturnya, rizkinya giver, and turning deadly. So with the love of God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala will reassure, animate spirit, good for the soul be strong and resourceful and pleasant outlook shines, and a richer interior. Then there is nothing more delicious and more all for a clean heart, for the good spirit and the sense of the sacred than the love of God and longs to meet with him. If my heart had felt the sweetness of love to God it will not be defeated by loving and loved besides Him. And each time increasing his love for it will grow too pengham-Baan, submission and obedience to Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu and free themselves from slavery, subordination of obedience to other than Him. "(Ighatsatul-Lahfan, p 567) Beloved People of God Subhannahu Wa Ta'ala Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu love and be loved. Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says in the letter of Al-Mâ'idah: 54, which means: "Allah will bring a people whom God loves them and they love God." Those who loved Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu: Attawabun (those who bertau-bat), Al-Mutathahhirun (like purity), Al-Muttaqun (devoted), Al-Muhsinun (like doing good) Shabirun (Bersa-bar), Al-Mutawakkilun (trust, to God ) Al-Muqsithun (do justice). The people who fight in the way of God in a row as if they were a sturdy building. People who berkasih affection, gentle to the believers. People who appeared Izzah / honor of the Muslims in the presence of unbelievers. Those who strive (seriously) in the way of Allah. People who are not afraid to reproach men for charity with the sunnah. People who try to draw closer to God in worship sunnah after completing compulsory worship. Cause-For God's Love To Get Wa Ta'ala Subhannahu Reading Al-Qur'an by thinking about and understand their meaning. Trying to draw closer to Allah Ta'ala in worship Subhannahu wa Sunnah after completing the compulsory worship. Subhannahu always remember Allah wa Ta'ala, both with oral, liver, or with limbs in every state. Prefers to love God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala than the master himself when he desires. Understand and explore the heart of the names and attributes of God. See the goodness and joy of both the birth and the mind. Feel shame and humility before God. Worship God on the third time last night (at the time God took to the skies of the world) to bermunajat Him, reading the Quran, thinking with your heart and learn manners in worship before God, then covered with forgiveness and repentance. Sit down with people who have a sincere love of God from the scholars and preachers, listen and take their advice and do not talk unless the conversation is good. Steer clear / remove the things that prevents the heart from remembering Allah Subhannahu wa Ta'ala .
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