Minggu, 08 Juli 2012
issue of global warming we hear the familiar, even boring the ears to
hear and eyes to see the blur of impressions-impressions of the story. Effect of global warming we can feel, one season of transition and uncertain weather. Education is a common thing, which is always closely related to any field, including in terms of environmental awareness. Can
be seen that the most serious environmental challenges that humanity
will face in the front face of the earth to global warming and climate
change. Too
extreme global warming from burning fossil fuels, especially coal,
petroleum, and natural gas are excessive, coupled with the environmental
damage that causes a reduction in carbon emissions from forest
absorption. With the growing importance of self-awareness on the environment will, in the form of utilization and development.Environmental awareness. Is a necessary condition for effective development environment. Means
the absence of awareness about the environment for humans it is
certainly beneficial to the development environment will not be achieved
"Requirements for support of the achievement of these goals is the
education .. education will teach you how to cultivate and empower human
nature. Allah SWT says:" So they have back into their consciousness, and then said: Verily ye are the people who persecute (myself), "(Al-Anbiya '(21): 64).Viewed
from the perspective of social, environmental damage directly or
indirectly contribute to the environmental causes of instability, there
are some things that the main cause;First,
the problem of poverty is closely linked with economic problems, making
it less able to meet their needs allow, poverty makes people tend to
push to take a shortcut to escape from these demands. One way to use the environment to meet the needs, so the environment becomes polluted and is no longer beautiful.
Second, the backwardness, the meaning behind the field of advanced science and technology (excellence in education). The three elements of a society or a perpetrator can be called or mental disability; with low education, lack of information, and unable to think abstractly as well. Three characters hold an unfavorable attitude of both society and the environment.
Third, population density, which is now the world's population is more than about 6 billion people, which resulted in habitat changes in the environment affect the physical, biological and socio-cultural.
Fourth, technological developments, which in a real social life, poilitic, economics, culture, education, and science is to show how the field of advancing to achieve more efficient and effective. Technology can bring to welfare, but also can lead to disaster. Although the benefits for humans, it also causes more damage occurs, such as the birth of waste by factories, until the air is polluted, especially in the Pacific Islands, because of the proliferation of unconventional Mine (IT), many forests into barren and the impact on the environment. The source of this disease is easy to grow and evolve, it can be proved by the increasing levels of dengue fever which led to the death rate increased in every year.In the Qur'an has warned in a letter of Al-A'raaf verse 56 "And do not make mischief on earth after (God) to fix it, and pray to him with fear (not to be received) and expectations (be granted) Verily Allah's mercy is very close to people who do good. "Environmental ProtectionEnvironment Act article 3, the preservation of the environment means the attainment of skills and capacity to increase harmonious and balanced. In preservation, has two emphasis: 1) Conservation in the form of better environmental quality, with stability and without compromising the needs of others. 2) Protecting the environment in the form of improving his form initially, by removing and keeping the environment pollution.Above also explained that "pollution is the introduction or the introduction of life, matter, energy, and change the sequence of the human or natural processes, so that environmental quality is less or no longer able to function as intended" Just as the word of God contained in the letter Al-Baqarah verse 220: ". God knows who is making the destruction of the improvements and if God wills, He can bring your problems to God Almighty and wise"This will be captured if he would try to emphasize the benefits in terms of the natural environment. four resources can be managed so that can be enjoyed by human, human being (as social human beings), biological resources, natural resources and artificial non-biological resources. Thus, human and natural resources are to be developed, so the phenomenon and the problem can be overcome by wise and courteous, without haste and careless. In addition, the quality of education is very well organized and ensure sustainable use .
Second, the backwardness, the meaning behind the field of advanced science and technology (excellence in education). The three elements of a society or a perpetrator can be called or mental disability; with low education, lack of information, and unable to think abstractly as well. Three characters hold an unfavorable attitude of both society and the environment.
Third, population density, which is now the world's population is more than about 6 billion people, which resulted in habitat changes in the environment affect the physical, biological and socio-cultural.
Fourth, technological developments, which in a real social life, poilitic, economics, culture, education, and science is to show how the field of advancing to achieve more efficient and effective. Technology can bring to welfare, but also can lead to disaster. Although the benefits for humans, it also causes more damage occurs, such as the birth of waste by factories, until the air is polluted, especially in the Pacific Islands, because of the proliferation of unconventional Mine (IT), many forests into barren and the impact on the environment. The source of this disease is easy to grow and evolve, it can be proved by the increasing levels of dengue fever which led to the death rate increased in every year.In the Qur'an has warned in a letter of Al-A'raaf verse 56 "And do not make mischief on earth after (God) to fix it, and pray to him with fear (not to be received) and expectations (be granted) Verily Allah's mercy is very close to people who do good. "Environmental ProtectionEnvironment Act article 3, the preservation of the environment means the attainment of skills and capacity to increase harmonious and balanced. In preservation, has two emphasis: 1) Conservation in the form of better environmental quality, with stability and without compromising the needs of others. 2) Protecting the environment in the form of improving his form initially, by removing and keeping the environment pollution.Above also explained that "pollution is the introduction or the introduction of life, matter, energy, and change the sequence of the human or natural processes, so that environmental quality is less or no longer able to function as intended" Just as the word of God contained in the letter Al-Baqarah verse 220: ". God knows who is making the destruction of the improvements and if God wills, He can bring your problems to God Almighty and wise"This will be captured if he would try to emphasize the benefits in terms of the natural environment. four resources can be managed so that can be enjoyed by human, human being (as social human beings), biological resources, natural resources and artificial non-biological resources. Thus, human and natural resources are to be developed, so the phenomenon and the problem can be overcome by wise and courteous, without haste and careless. In addition, the quality of education is very well organized and ensure sustainable use .
Intelligent Education for Children
Still remember the novel, Laskar Pelangi? written best-selling novel by Andrea Hirata. a story that is quite novel draws our attention at this time ... not just a story, but also brought a lot of messages ... Especially when it is taken in the big screen, directed by Riri Riza, and got the attention of quite a lot of young people.One is education in Indonesia. A
simple portrait of a school, away from the glitz and Carving a
prestigious achievement, but education is reflected not only science,
but rather a behavior and ethics, so grow a creativity that is not
because of the facility.Today most parents dream of the human investment in education for the future of their children. Let be a businessman, doctor, or all of the socially prominent and had a financial dignity.There are more fundamental in the offer in this rainbow, ie Budi character.This
country may have forgotten, or was struck by the methods of education
outside (west), so that education has not glanced at the path before us,
as Ki Hajar Dewantara, Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan. In their work formed the Student Park, Muhammadiyah. He-he
has tried to pioneer education that will teach the eastern culture,
such us manners, ethics, good manners in young people of this country.Nowadays we often encounter students who are good, but have no manners and ethics, or even in good manners do not know.Although
this is not the only task of the school, to provide supplies for our
children, but also the role of families is needed in this case. Although
current number of families that instill character education has begun
to "no time", so that all delegates to the school. While
schools are also in demand not only educate and educate the children of
the nation, but also to make the school as a favorite school, which is
expected to support the sustainability and well-being of the School.If
we glance at a little education in Japan, where education is not only
able to apply and develop science, but also remain in the given
character education and knowledge of their culture. So that they still love their home and also understand the culture of their ancestors.Education is not only intellectual but also emphasizes intelligence Intelligence Moral, Spiritual and Emotional.Sometimes
our parents or the intent make intelligence is the ability of
children in math, memorize, imitate, good at making analysis
demonstrated achievement in school. Although this understanding is not wrong, but also incomplete. Smart is the child's ability to properly organize aspects of Intellectual, Emotional, Moral and Spiritual.Intellectual
intelligence, a person's ability effectively to perform mathematical
calculations, analyzing, remembering, and arguing. So in general, the child will be able to find and develop good science.Emotional intelligence, a person's ability to manage and take advantage of feeling good. Such as understanding others, independence, cooperation, self-adjusting and positive thinking. Surely this is also influenced by a healthy personality.Moral Intelligence, the ability of someone who is sensitive and capable of determining good and bad. Such as honesty, willingness to help, solidarity, care, simplicity and fairness.Spiritual
intelligence, a person's ability to be able to develop Goodness values,
such as: love, truth, obedience, service, dedication and
sacrifice. So
Spiritual intelligence is not just obedience in carrying out the
religious laws, but also values and attitudes in a sincere and noble
education for children of this nation, not only because of the school
alone, but the role of parents, families, communities and countries. How smart are we going to Arm the generations to come, will also determine the fate of the family, and also the state.Your child is not your child, they are the children who miss life itself. Although they come through you, and though they are with you, they do not belong to you.You may give love, but you do not mind, because they have a mind of its own.Their
bodies may exist in your home, but not their souls, for their souls
dwell in the house of the future, you can not visit, not even in your
dreams.You should try to be like them, but do not make them like you.You are the bows from your children, was fired as living arrows.Relax yourself in the hands of the archer curve for joy.Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Free Education
dream of the coming of free education that has been eagerly awaited
since the time of independence of the Republic of Indonesia has emerged
with the arrival of the phenomenon as free education for primary school
and Junior High School. The
phenomenon of free education is indeed very long-awaited, articles in
the Government issued (Operational Costs) to cover the prices of
books that were increasingly inflated, it's donations, teacher salaries
are not sufficient and other charges.Pros Cons of Free Education Judging from its development, this phenomenon can not be separated from the pros and cons. For
a pro with these programs say that it is the government's efforts to
improve the quality of education and the reduction of school dropouts,
free schooling for parents to reduce the burden of his mind to the issue
of education expenses and no more children should not take the exam
only because they have not paid school fees. While
the counter said the government like saviors, This is because there has
been more used to doing this, the NGOs concerned with education and
incapable of handling the public. There
is less sense to go to school, much less awareness of education,
children are more concerned with the work of the school should not
release anything. The cost of free education only up to secondary school while the Senior Secondary School no. While
the Senior High School graduate who is a lance over primary and
established age to find employment as well as the country foreign
exchange earner.School to be qualified because it is supported by learners who have a passion to learn. They will learn that there is a challenge, one of which cost challenges. The younger generation does not have nurtured for a free all-mental. Should be free of mental washing away. Hard
working, humble, tolerant, able to adapt, and piety, that is what must
be grown for the young generation is able to compete in the
international world, able to take part in the world arena, not only to
the fans, the nation's voracious consumption of products. The
most difficult is that the government create the conditions so that
every parent gets enough income to afford their children's education.Not only students but teachers who are affected by the free education. Most
of the free school teachers have developed a self-limited and will
eventually cause trouble motivating learners to think about "survival". Worse if the teacher thinking: service to the students for fees only. If such situation, it is "far from the truth" to raise the quality of education.Schools, especially small private school, will be difficult to cover operational costs, let alone the welfare of teachers. Financing
such as electricity, water, building maintenance, computers,
stationery, transport, food allowance, and other expenses to be paid. Even more difficult to find a donor. Schools still survive just based on the spirit of service managers. Without the contribution of the learner, how the financing will close it.Education Quality vs. Free Education the
implementation of free education does not mean loss of quality of
education, decreased interest in learning the students, and decreased
levels of teachers ability in teaching and learning activities in
education. For
it is not just students who commuted in terms of cost, but now the
teachers also will be relieved by government policy would increase the
welfare of teachers. In
2009 the government has decided to comply with the provisions of
article 31 of the 1945 budget allocation for education by 20%. So
will the availability of the budget to raise the incomes of teachers,
especially teachers civil servants (PNS) are not low-ranking families
with 0-year period of employment, income of at least Rp. 2 million.BOS
funds received from the school shall use these funds to finance all the
activities in the admission of new students, the contribution of
education funding , the purchase of textbooks, the cost of daily
tests and exams, as well as operational maintenance costs.While
cost is not a priority for the school and have a great cost, such as:
study tours (field trips), comparative studies, purchase of uniforms for
students and teachers for personal gain (rather than an inventory of
school), as well as the purchase of materials or equipment that do not
support school activities, all BOS costs are not covered. And
collection costs will also depend on the policies of each school, and
of course the government will continue to oversee and ensure that these
costs do not burden the students and parents. What if an obstacle occurs or when there are schools that are still shortcomings in the fulfillment of its operational costs? Local governments are obliged to meet the shortcomings of existing budget funds. In order for the teaching-learning process was still possible without the lack of funds.Looking
at the above conditions, it is the government's efforts to make people prosperous in terms of economics and education, but it
would be nice not to impose a free school but expensive schools, and
scholarship programs. Why schools should be cheap. Among
them: low-cost schools are everyone's expectations, not only the
students and parents, but teachers as well as assurances from the
government welfare. Cheaper
in many ways the school can be fun, without the burden of a dependent
child's school fees are expensive, parents send their children to be
quiet and fundraising affairs to meet family needs more concentrate
to the needs of clothing, food, shelter and health. The child can still perform educational activities, because no longer be a burden for parents.And is not one of the pleasant atmosphere of the most important factor in the teaching-learning process? How students learn best when its concentration should be divided think of school funds that have not paid off his parents. Or outside of school time must be shared to help parents find additional revenue. Is not the case the students who committed suicide because of school fees has not become a choking warning?The
existence of cheap school educational activities fund most or entirely
borne by the government, to foster public confidence in the role and
existence of government. Government
policies will soon be heard and obeyed the community while actually
feel the government is on their side and try to welfare community.
Instead, the government will have a strong political bargaining. One of the prerequisites of a strong and sovereign government is having to get love from people. ***
Senin, 25 Juni 2012
prove of faith
God has laid down for a Muslim four major
exercises of faith, some are
daily, some weekly, some monthly, some annually and some are required as a
minimum of once in a lifetime.
These exercises of faith are to serve man's spiritual purposes, satisfy his human needs and to mark his whole life with a Divine touch.
These major exercises of faith are:
God does not need man's prayer because He is free of all needs. Islamic prayers are for our benefit. The benefits are immeasurable and the blessings are beyond imagination.
In Islamic prayer, every muscle of the body joins the soul and the mind in the worship and glory of God. Islamic prayer is an act of worship.
It is a matchless and unprecedented formula of intellectual meditation and spiritual devotion, of moral elevation and physical exercise, all combined.
Offering of prayers is obligatory upon every Muslim male and female who is sane, mature, and in case of women, free from menstruation and confinement due to childbirth.
Requirements of prayers: performing of ablution (Wudu), purity of the whole body, clothes and ground used for prayer, dressing properly and the declaring the intention and facing the Qiblah; the direction of the Ka'bah at Mecca.
Obligatory prayers- five daily prayers, the Friday's noon congregation prayer and the funeral prayer.
Highly recommended prayers- Those accompanying the obligatory prayers and the two great festival prayers.
Optional prayers- Voluntary prayers during the day and night.
Times of Obligatory Prayers
Prayers should be offered in their due times, unless there is a reasonable excuse. Delayed obligatory prayers must be made up.
Prayers involve prescribed physical motions, accompanied with saying mainly some parts of the Quran.
In addition to the prescribed prayers, a Muslim expresses gratitude to God and appreciation of His favors and asks for His mercy all the time. Especially at times of, for example: Childbirth, marriage, going to or rising from bed, leaving and returning to his home, starting a journey or entering a city, riding or driving, before or after eating or drinking, harvesting, visiting graveyards and at time of distress and sickness.
It is a matchless Islamic institution which teaches man the principle of sincere love to God.
Fasting teaches man a creative sense of hope, devotion, patience, unselfishness, moderation, willpower, wise savings, sound budgeting, mature adaptability, healthy survival, discipline, spirit of social belonging, unity and brotherhood.
Obligatory Fasting is done once a year for the period of the month of Ramadan; the ninth month of the Islamic year.
Recommended Fasting every Monday and Thursday of every week, three days in the middle of each Islamic month, six days after Ramadan following the Feast Day and a few days of the two months before Ramadan.
Fasting of Ramadan is a worship act which is obligatory on every adult Muslim, male or female if he/she is mentally and physically fit and not on a journey. Exceptions: women during their period of menstruation and while nursing a child and also in the cases of travel and illness.
Zakah does not only purify the property of the contributor but also purifies his heart from selfishness and greed.
It also purifies the heart of the recipient from envy and jealousy, from hatred and uneasiness and it fosters instead good-will and warm wishes for the contributors.
Zakah has a deep humanitarian and social-political value; for example, it frees society from class warfare, from ill feelings and distrust and from corruption.
Although Islam does not hinder private enterprise or condemn private possessions, it does not tolerate selfish and greedy capitalism.
Islam adopts a moderate but positive and effective course between individual and society, between the citizen and the state, between capitalism and socialism, between materialism and spiritualism.
Every Muslim, male or female, who at the end of the year is in possession of the equivalent of (85 gm) of gold or more in cash or articles of trade, must give Zakah at the minimum rate of 2.5%
Zakah is paid on the net balance after paying personal expenses, family expenses, due credits, taxes, etc.
The recipients of Zakah are: the poor, the needy, the new Muslim converts, the Muslim prisoners of war (to liberate them), Muslims in debt, also employees appointed to collect Zakah, Muslims in service of research or study or propagation of Islam, wayfarers who are foreigners in need of help.
Taxes paid to the government do not substitute for this religious duty. Contributor should not seek pride or fame, but if disclosing his name and his contribution is likely to encourage others, it is acceptable to do so.
It is the largest annual convention of faith on earth.
Peace is the dominant theme. Peace with God, with one's soul, with one another, with all living creatures. To disturb the peace of anyone or any creature in any shape or form is strictly prohibited.
Muslims from all walks of life, from every corner of the globe assemble in Mecca in response to the call of God. There is no royalty but loyalty of all to God, the creator.
It is to commemorate the Divine rituals observed by Prophet Abraham and his son, Ishmael, who are the first pilgrims to the first house of God on earth; the Ka'bah.
It is to remember the grand assembly of the Day of Judgement when people will stand equal before God.
Muslims go to Mecca in glory of God, not to worship a man.
The visit of the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad at Madena is highly recommended but not essential in making the Hajj valid and complete.
These exercises of faith are to serve man's spiritual purposes, satisfy his human needs and to mark his whole life with a Divine touch.
These major exercises of faith are:
1. Prayer
Praying, to the Creator on a daily basis, is the best way to cultivate in man a sound personality and to actualize his aspirations.God does not need man's prayer because He is free of all needs. Islamic prayers are for our benefit. The benefits are immeasurable and the blessings are beyond imagination.
In Islamic prayer, every muscle of the body joins the soul and the mind in the worship and glory of God. Islamic prayer is an act of worship.
It is a matchless and unprecedented formula of intellectual meditation and spiritual devotion, of moral elevation and physical exercise, all combined.
Offering of prayers is obligatory upon every Muslim male and female who is sane, mature, and in case of women, free from menstruation and confinement due to childbirth.
Requirements of prayers: performing of ablution (Wudu), purity of the whole body, clothes and ground used for prayer, dressing properly and the declaring the intention and facing the Qiblah; the direction of the Ka'bah at Mecca.
Obligatory prayers- five daily prayers, the Friday's noon congregation prayer and the funeral prayer.
Highly recommended prayers- Those accompanying the obligatory prayers and the two great festival prayers.
Optional prayers- Voluntary prayers during the day and night.
Times of Obligatory Prayers
- Early morning: after dawn and before sunrise.
- Noon: after the sun begins to decline from its zenith until it is about midway on its course to setting.
- Mid-Afternoon: after the expiration of the noon prayer until sunset.
- Sunset: immediately after sunset until the red glow in the western horizon disappears.
- Evening: after the expiration of the sunset prayer until dawn.
Prayers should be offered in their due times, unless there is a reasonable excuse. Delayed obligatory prayers must be made up.
Prayers involve prescribed physical motions, accompanied with saying mainly some parts of the Quran.
In addition to the prescribed prayers, a Muslim expresses gratitude to God and appreciation of His favors and asks for His mercy all the time. Especially at times of, for example: Childbirth, marriage, going to or rising from bed, leaving and returning to his home, starting a journey or entering a city, riding or driving, before or after eating or drinking, harvesting, visiting graveyards and at time of distress and sickness.
2. Fasting
Fasting is abstaining completely from eating, drinking, intimate sexual contact and smoking from the break of dawn until sunset.It is a matchless Islamic institution which teaches man the principle of sincere love to God.
Fasting teaches man a creative sense of hope, devotion, patience, unselfishness, moderation, willpower, wise savings, sound budgeting, mature adaptability, healthy survival, discipline, spirit of social belonging, unity and brotherhood.
Obligatory Fasting is done once a year for the period of the month of Ramadan; the ninth month of the Islamic year.
Recommended Fasting every Monday and Thursday of every week, three days in the middle of each Islamic month, six days after Ramadan following the Feast Day and a few days of the two months before Ramadan.
Fasting of Ramadan is a worship act which is obligatory on every adult Muslim, male or female if he/she is mentally and physically fit and not on a journey. Exceptions: women during their period of menstruation and while nursing a child and also in the cases of travel and illness.
3. Charity Giving (Zakah)
It is an act of worship and spiritual investment. The literal meaning of Zakah is purity and it refers to the annual amount in kind or coin which a Muslim with means must distribute among the rightful beneficiaries.Zakah does not only purify the property of the contributor but also purifies his heart from selfishness and greed.
It also purifies the heart of the recipient from envy and jealousy, from hatred and uneasiness and it fosters instead good-will and warm wishes for the contributors.
Zakah has a deep humanitarian and social-political value; for example, it frees society from class warfare, from ill feelings and distrust and from corruption.
Although Islam does not hinder private enterprise or condemn private possessions, it does not tolerate selfish and greedy capitalism.
Islam adopts a moderate but positive and effective course between individual and society, between the citizen and the state, between capitalism and socialism, between materialism and spiritualism.
Every Muslim, male or female, who at the end of the year is in possession of the equivalent of (85 gm) of gold or more in cash or articles of trade, must give Zakah at the minimum rate of 2.5%
Zakah is paid on the net balance after paying personal expenses, family expenses, due credits, taxes, etc.
The recipients of Zakah are: the poor, the needy, the new Muslim converts, the Muslim prisoners of war (to liberate them), Muslims in debt, also employees appointed to collect Zakah, Muslims in service of research or study or propagation of Islam, wayfarers who are foreigners in need of help.
Taxes paid to the government do not substitute for this religious duty. Contributor should not seek pride or fame, but if disclosing his name and his contribution is likely to encourage others, it is acceptable to do so.
4. The Pilgrimage (Hajj)
It is a pilgrimage to Mecca, at least once in a lifetime and it is obligatory upon every Muslim male and female who is mentally, physically and financially fit.It is the largest annual convention of faith on earth.
Peace is the dominant theme. Peace with God, with one's soul, with one another, with all living creatures. To disturb the peace of anyone or any creature in any shape or form is strictly prohibited.
Muslims from all walks of life, from every corner of the globe assemble in Mecca in response to the call of God. There is no royalty but loyalty of all to God, the creator.
It is to commemorate the Divine rituals observed by Prophet Abraham and his son, Ishmael, who are the first pilgrims to the first house of God on earth; the Ka'bah.
It is to remember the grand assembly of the Day of Judgement when people will stand equal before God.
Muslims go to Mecca in glory of God, not to worship a man.
The visit of the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad at Madena is highly recommended but not essential in making the Hajj valid and complete.
Jumat, 22 Juni 2012
Imam Ibn Qayyim said, "There is no limit of love is more apparent than the word love itself; memba over it would only add to its meaning vague and dry. Then ba-boundary and explanations that love can not be clearly depicted nature, except with the word love itself.
Most people just gave her an explanation in terms of the causes, consequences, signs, amplifier-amplifier and the fruit of love and its laws. Then the limit and love the picture they provide spins on six of the above, although each differs in the definition, depending on the knowledge, position, state, and his mastery of this problem. (Madarijus-Salikin 3/11)
Some Definitions Love:
The tendency of the whole heart constantly (the beloved).
Willingness to receive all the desires of people he loves. Tendency to prefer the heart rather than her own self and property, in agreement with both the hidden-sebunyi or overtly, then feel that love is still lacking. Mengembaranya heart because to find a loved one while verbally always mentioned his name.
Busied himself for a loved reminiscing and humiliating to him.
The division of Love
Worship is the passion of love that causes feelings of contempt and praise Him and, hotly passionate heart to run all the commands and stay away from all larangaNya.
Such love is the subject of faith and unity that the culprit will get virtues infinite. If this is all given to other than Allah then he lapsed into a meaningful love shirk, ie associating partners with God in love.
Love for God as loving something that is loved by God, either in the form of certain places, certain times, certain people, charitable deeds, words and the semisalnya. Such love, including love in order to love God. Love is in accordance with tabi'at (human), which belong to the loved ones of this type are:
Affection, such as parental affection to their children, and unfortunately the poor people, poor or sick people.
Reluctant meaningful love and respect, but not included in the type of worship, such as love of a child to his parents, student to teacher or Shaykh, and the semisalnya.
Love (fun) human to everyday needs that would harm himself if not met, such as the pleasures of food, drink, marriage, clothing, brotherhood and friendship and the semisalnya.
Love love love so included in the category of human that is allowed. If his love was helping him to love and obey God so love the included obedience to God, and vice versa.
The primacy of God's Love Is a Core Principles And Tawheed
Said Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Nasir Al-Sa'dy, "Principles of monotheism and the core-juice is sincere and love to God alone. And that is the subject of the lawyer's gods and worship and even the very essence of worship will not be perfect unity with the perfect man but the love of his Lord and hand over all the elements of love in him that he arbitrate only to God by making love of the servant to follow her love of a servant of God who will find happiness and peace. (Al-Qaulus Sadid, p 110)
Is a great need for more than eating, drinking, marriage and so forth.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya said: "In the human heart there is love of something that he worshiped, and he ibadahi, this is a milestone for the upright and unsound one's heart and their soul's good. As well they also have a love for what he ate, drank, married and others are with all of this into a good life and the human need to penuhanan lengkap.Dan greater than the need to eat, because if people do not eat then it will only physical damage, but if not mentuhankan something it will damage the soul / spirit. (Jami 'Al-Ibn Taymiyya Rasail 2/230)
Leisure When Disaster Affected
Ibn Qayyim said, "The truth is the person who loves something will get a delicious love it when he could make love to forget the disaster that has befallen him. He did not feel that it was a disaster, although most people feel it as a calamity. Menguatlah love it even more so that he grew to enjoy and take in disaster inflicted by the One he loves. (Madarijus-Salikin 3/38).
Blocking of immoral deeds.
Ibn Qayyim said (when explaining about the love of God): "That he is the most powerful reasons to be patient so as not menyelisihi and immoral to him. For surely someone would have to obey what he loved, and each time increasing the power of love is stronger then it's consequential to obey him, not me nyelisihi and immoral to him.
Menyelisihi commandments of God and Him only immoral stems from a weak heart his love for Allah.Dan there a difference between people who do not engage in immoral, for fear of his master who is not immoral because of love.
Up on his words, "A man who is sincere in his love, he will feel controlled by his beloved who always accompany liver and raganya.Dan between a genuine sign of love is that he feels constant presence of her lover who supervised his work. (Thariqul Hijratain, p 449-450)
To love God Will Eliminate misgivings.
Ibn Qayyim said, "Between love and feelings of anxiety are the difference and conflict as a major difference between the mind and neglect, the love which pierced through the heart will eliminate doubts about his beloved.
And people who genuinely love him will be free from feelings of anxiety because of his heart distracted by the presence of the One who loved them. And does not arise unless the misgivings of those who are negligent and turned away from the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala wa Subhannahu, and it is impossible to unite the love of God with an attitude of anxiety. (Madarijus-Salikin 3/38)
Peak of Perfection is a delicious and Fun.
Ibn Qayyim said, "The Lord loves Subhannahu wa Ta'ala then the situation is not the same as the state loves him but because there is no other than the heart of the most beloved Creator and Pengaturnya; sesembahannya He is worshiped, saints, his Lord, Pengaturnya, rizkinya giver, and turning deadly. So with the love of God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala will reassure, animate spirit, good for the soul be strong and resourceful and pleasant outlook shines, and a richer interior. Then there is nothing more delicious and more all for a clean heart, for the good spirit and the sense of the sacred than the love of God and longs to meet with him.
If my heart had felt the sweetness of love to God it will not be defeated by loving and loved besides Him. And each time increasing his love for it will grow too pengham-Baan, submission and obedience to Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu and free themselves from slavery, subordination of obedience to other than Him. "(Ighatsatul-Lahfan, p 567)
Beloved People of God Subhannahu Wa Ta'ala
Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu love and be loved. Subhannahu Allah wa Ta'ala says in the letter of Al-Mâ'idah: 54, which means: "Allah will bring a people whom God loves them and they love God."
Those who loved Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu:
Attawabun (those who bertau-bat), Al-Mutathahhirun (like purity), Al-Muttaqun (devoted), Al-Muhsinun (like doing good) Shabirun (Bersa-bar), Al-Mutawakkilun (trust, to God ) Al-Muqsithun (do justice).
The people who fight in the way of God in a row as if they were a sturdy building.
People who berkasih affection, gentle to the believers. People who appeared Izzah / honor of the Muslims in the presence of unbelievers.
Those who strive (seriously) in the way of Allah.
People who are not afraid to reproach men for charity with the sunnah. People who try to draw closer to God in worship sunnah after completing compulsory worship.
Cause-For God's Love To Get Wa Ta'ala Subhannahu
Reading Al-Qur'an by thinking about and understand their meaning. Trying to draw closer to Allah Ta'ala in worship Subhannahu wa Sunnah after completing the compulsory worship. Subhannahu always remember Allah wa Ta'ala, both with oral, liver, or with limbs in every state. Prefers to love God Subhannahu wa Ta'ala than the master himself when he desires.
Understand and explore the heart of the names and attributes of God.
See the goodness and joy of both the birth and the mind.
Feel shame and humility before God. Worship God on the third time last night (at the time God took to the skies of the world) to bermunajat Him, reading the Quran, thinking with your heart and learn manners in worship before God, then covered with forgiveness and repentance.
Sit down with people who have a sincere love of God from the scholars and preachers, listen and take their advice and do not talk unless the conversation is good.
Steer clear / remove the things that prevents the heart from remembering Allah Subhannahu wa Ta'ala .
Senin, 18 Juni 2012
Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012
Isra' and Mi'raj
Celebration of Isra and Mi'raj, when during this
glorious occasion we used to commemorate the journey of Isra and his Mi'raj Rosulullah Muhammad, then let us use this time to muhasabah,
check us each, the extent to which we can nurture the divine mandate of
God that is deposited in directly to
our established every day, As prayers are said to be the prophet as
Mikrojul Faithful, Mikrajnya believers, or ladder, which means for us to
increase the value ourselves before Him.Do pray that we have done since baligh up to this day acceptable
to God? Have we ever analyzed, the extent to
which we fervently in prayer, because the solemn is also a prerequisite
for the prayer acceptable to God? Solemn are the
measure of our faith in Him (QS.2 :45-46). It would hurt people who do not pay attention to quality has
earned prayers prayers, but at the same sa'at he confessed faith in
divine ......For pious people, they really
took the weight of the prayer. Had a day of uninterrupted work or no work during the
smoothness, the first case to do is check out the original extent of
khusyuknya them in prayer. This is because prayer is
man's relationship with God. Who
was broken relationship with God, very difficult when dealing with the
expected good but God, be it a fellow human being, work or whatever.If a relationship with God was not wrong, the
man is certainly more difficult again. Onwards, obedience to the leader will not apply if there
is no obedience to God. Trustful with
humans will suffer, if it has neglected the divine mandate. Maintain
the quality will be taken lightly, if the quality of prayer dedicated to
God alone was not observed!Prayer
needs to be assessed in terms of the congregation or not, just
padawaktu prayer or not, humble or not so well with the straightness
Saff in prayer.To assess our
prayers let us examine the ranks prayer as follows:RANKING THE PRAYER SEVEN2.1. Prayer ignorant (do not understand the science of
religion)Someone who is ignorant
about prayer harmonious prayer, prayer mandatory requirement, legal
requirement prayers, sacred matters of minor or major ritual impurity,
and so on. Even
prayer seems orderly, timely and congregational tabi when all was done
merely for participating in follow-up, he still rejected because it was
done without knowledge. God forbid we do something without a clear scientific basis
(Qur'an Isro [17]: 362.2. Prayer of negligentComplete the dzohir. For until the prayer was done, science has learned about
it. Reading the
prayers well maintained. But the idea was floated bersholat people, think of another
case, did not live up to his prayer. While
fervently in prayer merangkumi solemn sense, hearts and deeds. This group is said to be negligent in prayer as where the
word of God,"Therefore
woe to those who bersholat. The neglect of prayer." (Al Ma'un 3-4)They will be put into Hell Wail.2.3. Pray
for other than AllahPrayer is done because the customs and culture. Maybe someone
was born in a Muslim atmosphere. From childhood he saw the people around her prayers, she had
come to learn about prayer, for fear of being scolded by his father when
the Koran is not going to the mosque for instance. But after a large,
praying that he does, it does not come from sincerity and gratitude to
God.This prayer is not meaningful because of the Shari'a, but
for fear of being scolded by his father's mother, left out of the
crowded and so on. Prayer
groups are rejected.2.4. Prayer ranked mujahadahA prayer group
rated this as well, they have a science of prayer and trying to live up
to his prayer. They're earnest, but the soul lives not to
mention automatic. Intellect has been
careful not to play a role but can be brought together in prayer. Even in prayer,
they still train yourself [bermujahadah] to get what is called a "solemn
assembly" before.Allah loves those who bermujahadah. God accepts the prayers of this group as a portion of
their solemn Sahaja. Nonetheless, they still have not terselamat. Back to God
decide. If by the grace of God, He
wanted to forgive the sins of His servants, He Forgive. If anything
it's going to torment his rights as God. This is the prayer of people who are training
themselves, while expecting the grace of God, at least as this is the
earnest prayer that the efforts to enforce klita!2.5. Prayers of
piousIn ranking these prayers, resourceful mind is so preoccupied
ditumpukan be to God in prayer, but the soul and the heart has not been
fully escorted, full of humility can not be all of these prayers, but
the heart is 'wet' has been filled with longing. Sense already be occupied by reminding
the meanings of reading and prayer movement. This group was not
negligent in prayer.2.6. Prayer of the guardiansRanked in the prayers of the saints, mind, heart and be
escorted fizikal have. This group has been
able to appreciate the prayer as a whole and intact. When calling Alhamdulillah, heart felt gratitude and common
understanding. When standing upright,
he could feel himself being bahawa to God.When the hymn, he felt dwarfed and humiliated in front of
Allah Almighty. When
praying, hoping liver flavor. Pray that this is what gave birth to a
sense of servitude. Can taste delicious even in prayer.Of 2.7. Prayer
of the Prophet and MessengerThis class of very, very solemn prayer, in other words is mortal
with God. They
get to the nature spirits high. The properties of God lived out in earnest. They even get to the
nature Malakut.That ranks among the few
prayers that we can categorize. Prayers that can be lived truly will be able to give the
impression to people who do it. Instead they are losers who are
remiss in prayer, praying like a chicken pecking did not know the
meaning of anything in prayer.Now how the state of
our own prayers, it appears that we do not need another point to point,
because prayer is our business affairs with the Divine, then let us
resolve to continue to improve. So hopefully we glorify God and
dimudahkannya untukmembina our prayers as much as you, Aamiin Yaa Robbal
'aalamiinO Allah help us to tha'at unto thee pandaikan us in worship
of God King Mighty O, O Allah, your power invincible, Qohhar Yes, Yaa
Jabbar, if we lose again by Satan whispers, syaithon, the enemy of our
enemy, will laugh about it. When we fall again smeared with sin, then the lover, the
Holy Prophet Muhammad, will be disappointed by it. You will not let your lover be
disappointed, you will not give satan satan happy chance. Moreover, our hands are weak O God,
our soul is easily tempted Ya Allah, Ya Allah protect us, keep us from
sin, from makshiyyat, of betrayal, of falseness, as you keep the western
and eastern ...Yaa Allah tomb was dark, quiet,
in the cold, wet, with whom thou temankan us when it Yaa Allah, with
charity charity poor are frightening, or with a reassuring pious deeds. We could not imagine
Yaa Allah.O God, when the bubble stretches like roaring flames of
Hell ocean in front of us, when the cry for cry ... tergelicir
those of the Shirot deafening us, when the bridge goes into Paradise
looks thin, sharp, and smooth. Will you help
us, would you guided our steps? Yaa Allah has severe back these bear a burden, we could not
survive on the catwalk ..... without the grace and Your love. We
Yaa Allah, before all this happened, before darkness enveloped our
grave, before the heat of hell sear face our faces. We ask, O God, do not let
satan our master anymore, not to whisper to ensnare us again...amien
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
Islamic buildings
Try to imagine a
building (house / building) are very beautiful and attractive to your heart.
Beautiful here in the sense that the building is complete, stands on land that is broad, solid foundation, has a protective fence, the yard, the main pillar supporting the building, floors, walls between the poles, torch lights, doors, windows and roof color bangunan.Bangunan pure white with a model that is very attractive with a strong and sturdy roof adds elegance to the building, stood on a vast land that has been certified.
So also a believer when seen, is very beautiful and interesting. Allah says in the. letter of Ali Imran 110: Bud khairo ummatin ukhrijat linnaas = you are the best people in the
given birth to a human. A believer is like a beautiful building of the above. Islamic buildings can be likened to a believer is like a beautiful building it. This parable is only to help us see Islamic buildings in ourselves, is the extent of our commitment to Islam. God himself makes many parables in the Qur'an to enable people to understand something.
For some people this parable be making it up, let alone man-made metaphor, parable created by God is still questionable people like in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 26: "... 'What is the purpose of God by this parable?'. In the parable many people to stray, and the parable (too) many people who were his instructions ... ".
Islamic building started from the land of guidance given by Allah to whomever He wills. Guidance on land that is constructed of a person's Islamic buildings. Without the guidance is impossible to build Islamic buildings. After that in the land of the guidance was first built a foundation of faith, if the foundation is solid so sturdy building is also the Islamic one, otherwise if the fragile foundations of the building is also fragile. For the establishment of a building it is necessary pillars of prayer, prayer without this there would be no such thing as "Islamic Buildings". In the Qur'an commands the prayer is always coupled with a command to pay zakat (aqimus sholata aatudzakaata wa), so also among the pillars of the walls, very closely. "
As the roof of the building it was Islamic Jihad welfare activities, striving in the way of Allah. Messenger of Allah said: "" Top of the problem is Islam. Whoever resigned themselves (to Islam), he survived. Pillar of Islam is prayer and the roof is a jihad (struggle). Which can reach only the most prominent among them '"(HR Athabrani). If guidance is the bottom part of the building which accommodates all the Islamic Jihad is the peak of the building that protects all the components in the Islamic buildings, ensuring the continuity and the establishment of the symbols of Islam. The roof of jihad to protect the occupants from the sun, pouring rain, wind / dust / leaves are flying, hot or cold air temperatures and the inclusion of disorder uninvited guests or protection from enemy attacks. The roof of this jihad is a part that stands out and include the first part seen from the outside. Greatly affect the shape of the roof of jihad, or model building, whether the building is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, stout and sturdy or not.
The bigger the building is certainly needed additional poles (prayer circumcision), the walls are more and more (infaq, shodaqoh) and additional roof = the greater struggle necessary.
Up here on the essence of Islamic buildings have been formed. The quality of the building depends also on the quality of its constituent komponen2. Guidance or the extent of land depends on a person or business endeavor, the more enterprising or more of one's business anyway, God willing, more extensive guidance Ahan or acquired. Similarly, foundations, pillars, walls and roof, if built asal2an that form the building of low quality as well, such as bamboo hut or house suffered a flammable and crashing storm. If you pray but do not pay zakat, supposing such a building without walls, as is now often found gedung2 or halted construction of its buildings, its just tiang2 course, plong. Or someone who does not strive, like a building without a roof. So these three basic components that absolutely must be there. Do not pray and do not tithe, but he still claimed the Islamic religion which he had only just land guidance (Islam claims), but there are no buildings on it at all Islamic.
Up here in fact we've been able to figure out the shape and size of Islamic buildings we build. Floor buildings metaphorically as the Qur'an and Sunnah Rasulullah where the occupants of each run and move always have the footing of the Qur'an and the Sunna of the Prophet. To illuminate the lives of its inhabitants, and salawat dhikrullah prophet is the beacon in the building. Doors and windows are holes where the entry of uninvited guests (temptation Satan can chase / jinn / human).
The door of the house is fasting that produces patience and sincerity, is the science of the window where residents can see the outside world and learn about what is right and wrong. With the fast and the sciences, residents can deter the entry of uninvited guests, the temptations of lust and anger. No matter what the devil will flee if the building diterang benderangi by light and salawat dhikrullah prophet.
Color and model building can make anyone who sees it attracted. Building a clean, sturdy and good, at a glance and from a distance had seemed attracted many people, as well ahlak true believers, making shade and captivate the beholder. Ahlakul karimah is the allure of a believer. A person who is diligent in worship, but often hurt others like it such as color and style of buildings that are not interesting.
Fence around the land and buildings like the Islamic Hajj Mabrur. This fence protects all components in the building of Islam, to ensure continuity and the establishment of the symbols of Islam and is the most recent boundaries of an Islamic land and building one's guidance. Prophet once said: "Charity is the ultimate faith in God Almighty, then jihad, then pilgrimage that Mabrur".
Last of this discussion is the land where Islam was the establishment of the building need to be made Islam a certificate or label is to always be careful in eating / drinking and making a living. There is very little things that go into the forbidden territory of Islamic buildings, whether in the form of food / beverage or money income. The building is free of seed germs.
Mudah2an this parable can we make it easier to see the position of religion, Islam has been the extent of our commitment to building likens or imagined forms. If our buildings are fragile or incomplete or not interesting then let us increase the building to
Islamization we become better and interesting, are not we also are very pleased to see our homes clean and well pleasing to the eye? That's a true believer Personal, sturdy, clean, beautiful and interesting.
This parable was not one hundred percent the same, but the authors think it is enough to give you an idea. Bedanyanya is up to now there is no such thing as a strong earthquake resistant buildings, for example, 10 on the Richter Scale. On this strong earthquake, God willing, the entire building had collapsed destroyed, but different from the Muslim personality, let alone 10 on the Richter scale, until the sky was falling, the earth shakes and the mountains will still be flying him to stand firm and, God willing. "
Allah SWT says in Sura Tauba At paragraph 72:
"" God promises to those who believing men and women, (will get) Paradise under which rivers flow, they are eternal therein, and (had) a nice places in the Paradise of Eden. And keridlaan God is greater; it is a big fortune "".
Beautiful here in the sense that the building is complete, stands on land that is broad, solid foundation, has a protective fence, the yard, the main pillar supporting the building, floors, walls between the poles, torch lights, doors, windows and roof color bangunan.Bangunan pure white with a model that is very attractive with a strong and sturdy roof adds elegance to the building, stood on a vast land that has been certified.
So also a believer when seen, is very beautiful and interesting. Allah says in the. letter of Ali Imran 110: Bud khairo ummatin ukhrijat linnaas = you are the best people in the
given birth to a human. A believer is like a beautiful building of the above. Islamic buildings can be likened to a believer is like a beautiful building it. This parable is only to help us see Islamic buildings in ourselves, is the extent of our commitment to Islam. God himself makes many parables in the Qur'an to enable people to understand something.
For some people this parable be making it up, let alone man-made metaphor, parable created by God is still questionable people like in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 26: "... 'What is the purpose of God by this parable?'. In the parable many people to stray, and the parable (too) many people who were his instructions ... ".
Islamic building started from the land of guidance given by Allah to whomever He wills. Guidance on land that is constructed of a person's Islamic buildings. Without the guidance is impossible to build Islamic buildings. After that in the land of the guidance was first built a foundation of faith, if the foundation is solid so sturdy building is also the Islamic one, otherwise if the fragile foundations of the building is also fragile. For the establishment of a building it is necessary pillars of prayer, prayer without this there would be no such thing as "Islamic Buildings". In the Qur'an commands the prayer is always coupled with a command to pay zakat (aqimus sholata aatudzakaata wa), so also among the pillars of the walls, very closely. "
As the roof of the building it was Islamic Jihad welfare activities, striving in the way of Allah. Messenger of Allah said: "" Top of the problem is Islam. Whoever resigned themselves (to Islam), he survived. Pillar of Islam is prayer and the roof is a jihad (struggle). Which can reach only the most prominent among them '"(HR Athabrani). If guidance is the bottom part of the building which accommodates all the Islamic Jihad is the peak of the building that protects all the components in the Islamic buildings, ensuring the continuity and the establishment of the symbols of Islam. The roof of jihad to protect the occupants from the sun, pouring rain, wind / dust / leaves are flying, hot or cold air temperatures and the inclusion of disorder uninvited guests or protection from enemy attacks. The roof of this jihad is a part that stands out and include the first part seen from the outside. Greatly affect the shape of the roof of jihad, or model building, whether the building is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, stout and sturdy or not.
The bigger the building is certainly needed additional poles (prayer circumcision), the walls are more and more (infaq, shodaqoh) and additional roof = the greater struggle necessary.
Up here on the essence of Islamic buildings have been formed. The quality of the building depends also on the quality of its constituent komponen2. Guidance or the extent of land depends on a person or business endeavor, the more enterprising or more of one's business anyway, God willing, more extensive guidance Ahan or acquired. Similarly, foundations, pillars, walls and roof, if built asal2an that form the building of low quality as well, such as bamboo hut or house suffered a flammable and crashing storm. If you pray but do not pay zakat, supposing such a building without walls, as is now often found gedung2 or halted construction of its buildings, its just tiang2 course, plong. Or someone who does not strive, like a building without a roof. So these three basic components that absolutely must be there. Do not pray and do not tithe, but he still claimed the Islamic religion which he had only just land guidance (Islam claims), but there are no buildings on it at all Islamic.
Up here in fact we've been able to figure out the shape and size of Islamic buildings we build. Floor buildings metaphorically as the Qur'an and Sunnah Rasulullah where the occupants of each run and move always have the footing of the Qur'an and the Sunna of the Prophet. To illuminate the lives of its inhabitants, and salawat dhikrullah prophet is the beacon in the building. Doors and windows are holes where the entry of uninvited guests (temptation Satan can chase / jinn / human).
The door of the house is fasting that produces patience and sincerity, is the science of the window where residents can see the outside world and learn about what is right and wrong. With the fast and the sciences, residents can deter the entry of uninvited guests, the temptations of lust and anger. No matter what the devil will flee if the building diterang benderangi by light and salawat dhikrullah prophet.
Color and model building can make anyone who sees it attracted. Building a clean, sturdy and good, at a glance and from a distance had seemed attracted many people, as well ahlak true believers, making shade and captivate the beholder. Ahlakul karimah is the allure of a believer. A person who is diligent in worship, but often hurt others like it such as color and style of buildings that are not interesting.
Fence around the land and buildings like the Islamic Hajj Mabrur. This fence protects all components in the building of Islam, to ensure continuity and the establishment of the symbols of Islam and is the most recent boundaries of an Islamic land and building one's guidance. Prophet once said: "Charity is the ultimate faith in God Almighty, then jihad, then pilgrimage that Mabrur".
Last of this discussion is the land where Islam was the establishment of the building need to be made Islam a certificate or label is to always be careful in eating / drinking and making a living. There is very little things that go into the forbidden territory of Islamic buildings, whether in the form of food / beverage or money income. The building is free of seed germs.
Mudah2an this parable can we make it easier to see the position of religion, Islam has been the extent of our commitment to building likens or imagined forms. If our buildings are fragile or incomplete or not interesting then let us increase the building to
Islamization we become better and interesting, are not we also are very pleased to see our homes clean and well pleasing to the eye? That's a true believer Personal, sturdy, clean, beautiful and interesting.
This parable was not one hundred percent the same, but the authors think it is enough to give you an idea. Bedanyanya is up to now there is no such thing as a strong earthquake resistant buildings, for example, 10 on the Richter Scale. On this strong earthquake, God willing, the entire building had collapsed destroyed, but different from the Muslim personality, let alone 10 on the Richter scale, until the sky was falling, the earth shakes and the mountains will still be flying him to stand firm and, God willing. "
Allah SWT says in Sura Tauba At paragraph 72:
"" God promises to those who believing men and women, (will get) Paradise under which rivers flow, they are eternal therein, and (had) a nice places in the Paradise of Eden. And keridlaan God is greater; it is a big fortune "".
Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012
Heaven is Not Free "Do you think that you will enter Jannah (Paradise), but have not come to you (trials) as well as those who passed away before you? They are overwritten miserable and misery, and shaken (by various trials), so the Apostles and those who believed with him said: 'When will the coming of God's help.' Remember God's help is very close indeed. " (Al-Baqarah: 214). Khabbab bin Arat ra, shouting loudly: "Yes, he (Muhammad) is the Messenger of Allah to us, to free from the darkness into daylight." A declaration of faith just as the Messenger mission sirriyah new phase and the weak. The statement was played in front of a bunch of Quraish. Cash, they were furious to hear that. Khabbab, the blacksmith was aware of the risks she faced. No doubt, they beat and tortured him. He staggered into unconsciousness. His body was swollen. The whole bone joints ache. Blood streamed down his body and clothes. This is not the end of harvest Khabbab torture. Lump of iron, the raw material sword, at his home to have backfired. Quroisy pagan convert it into a terrible punishment tool. They put iron into the fire until red hot. Dililitkannya iron turns it on both hands and feet Khabbab. No pain measure. However, it did not make it budge from the faith. Khabbab suffering has not ended. Umm Anmar, former employer, intervened. Bitch was tortured and chasten. He took a burning hot iron and put it on the crown Khabbab. He writhed in pain. Breath remained in detention so as not to get out a complaint, because complaints will only make the executioners cheered. Until one day Khabbab came to the Prophet in the shade of the Kaaba. "O Prophet! Do not you ask for our help? Proposal Khabbab. Prophet sat down, his face flushed as he said:" Long before you, there are people being tortured by being buried alive. There is a head sawed in two parts. There is also the head brushed with a steel brush to exfoliate the scalp. But torments were not turning them away from religion. By Allah, Allah will surely put an end to this issue, so that people dare to walk from San'a to Hadramaut with no fear of anyone other than Allah, even though there are wolves among the herds of animals, but you seem in a hurry. "That piece episode Khabbab life ra In the early propagation of Islam, even torture experienced by the Prophet himself and his other companions. We may ask, why the Holy Prophet and his companions should feel the torture, while they are on the right side? Why would God Almighty does not protect them , but they are soldiers of God, even his lover in the midst of them? Man created is not without purpose. God created man intends to serve him. "And I created not the jinn and mankind except to worship Me . "(Adh-Dzariyat: 56). Worshipping that the main purpose of human creation. nature of ubudiyah is taklif (load). In Islam, men are legally baligh called mukallaf, that is, the person charged. Thus ubudiyah requires taklif, 're taklif demands readiness to bear the burden and resistance to the passions and lust. taklif is, summed up in a sentence laailaaha illallah, there is no meaningful right to be worshiped gods other than Allah only. Although the sentence is short, but he means solid. It contains the totality of the determination (ithbat) the object of worship, including the purpose (qasd), intentions, exaltation (ta'dhim), hope (king '), and fear (khauf) is only directed to God alone. sentence also contains the totality of denial (nafyu) the object worship of gods other than Allah that which is believed to include bringing the benefits and Awliyaa (aalihah), a creature who would be worshiped, followed, and obeyed (taghut), fatwa, or Islamic way of life menyelisihi (arbaab), and all that can turn people away from God , such as property, residence, and family (andaad). Thus, berislam it (should) develop a revolutionary attitude. berislam consequence, the demands of fulfilling all the commandments of God and stay away from all of his ban, both related to ubudiyah mahdlah or ghairu mahdlah. also , ubudiyah must be pure to God. Thus, should refuse to worship other than Him, both from the class of jinn and humans. It certainly brings a variety of potential threats, particularly from the elements being challenged to be worshiped, both from the class of jinn and humans . Here is where the intention taklif demands readiness to bear the load and resistance. So, indeed from the first humans were created to be ready to bear the load, test, and trials. Because God promised jannah is not free, but must be redeemed by berislam, complete with all the consequences that must be met and the risks that must be faced. "Do you think that you will enter Jannah (Paradise), but have not come to you (trials) as well as those who passed away before you? miserable and misery seized them, and shaken (by various trials) so that the Apostle and those who believed with him said: 'when comes God's help.' Remember God's help is very close indeed. "(Al-Baqarah: 214). Then what is the purpose of God? Not for whom everything is easy if mengendaki? Only with the sentence fayakun kun (Jadilah! it will happen), including easy for Allah if He Islam wants upright in the earth, too easy for him if the whole human willing embrace Islam ...? Intentionally God does not make everything go smoothly, he intends to test his servants to be able to prove who is faithful and who are hypocrites, who is honest and who is lying? Berislam orally alone, without any particular consequences, it would be difficult to distinguish between genuine with the pretense. In sinilan relevance of the mechanism of test and trial for a servant. "Do men think that they left alone to say: 'We believe, that they will not be tested?' Indeed We tested those before them, then indeed Allah knows those are true, and truly Allah knows those who lie. "(Al-Ankabut: 2-3)